Friday, July 6, 2012

Sushi and Sofa

Today I had sushi for breakfast.  It wasn't intended to be breakfast, but 12 noon was the only time my friend Kimberly could meet up, and 11 AM was the only time I could wake up after staying up until 5 AM.  She selected a sushi place call Sushiya on 56th Street and to my surprise it was yummy.

Typically I avoid sushi, but one of my besties from LA is in love with it, so I'm slowly acquiring a liking for it. 

Much of my day was spent packing and prepping for my final move out day on Monday.  Tomorrow I say goodbye to my 7'8" sofa who I sold to some guy named Jake for $110.

The other day as I was packing up books, I opened up a book by Henri Nouwen called The Road to Daybreak and read,"It struck me that selling what you own, leaving your family and friends, and following Jesus is not a once-in-a-lifetime event.  you must do it many times and in many different ways.  And it certainly does not become easier."

It's not so much about saying goodbye to a piece a furniture as it is saying goodbye to this:

And THIS is what I will miss most as I begin a new chapter in my life.

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