Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Last Royals

It's amazing how magical live music can be.  I'm back in Midtown after starting tomorrow, which is now today, listening to The Last Royals play a late night set at Rockwood Stage 2 in the LES (Lower East Side).

It's my second to last night in NYC.  I'm not ready to leave, but it's time.

Earlier today as I was packing I reflected back to beginning of this year - back to when I was crying out, "God, I don't want to be here any more."

The fact of the matter is, I didn't want to be anywhere, except maybe with family.  My health, my job, my church friendships, and even dating life had shifted from not so good to poor.  I told my parents over the phone, "I have nothing going for me here."

But here I am, 4 months later, crying out to God once more, except this time I'm telling him I'm not ready to leave this place.

But like I said, it's time.

And yes, I've told people I hope to return in September; however, I don't know how life is going to play out, and as I told my friend Travis last week, I'm going back to Michigan indefinitely.

Granted, I can't imagine I'd be there any longer than a few months.  But, I really don't know what God is up to.  And even if/when I leave Michigan, there are no guarantees that I'll return to New York City. Yes I'll be back to visit, but I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to claim New York as home once more.

But I hope so...  mainly because I need hope to keep moving forward.

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