After a lovely end of the year banquet with my TKC TenBoom girls, and a visit with a friend down on East 6th street. I e-mailed.
I had to send out several this evening - one clarifying my use of the word fling, A person from my church recently e-mailed, expressing concern about me stating that I had had a fling with someone we both know.
Here is some of what I wrote:
When I say that I had a fling with someone I mean that I was seeing a guy for a while (i.e. hanging out, going on dates, getting to know each other, etc.) and that after a time period (perhaps a few months), it didn't pan out to be a long-term relationship with the potential of marriage.
So yes, he and I hung out for more than just a few dates, and there was momentum towards a relationship, but for various reasons (that I won't go into) things never panned out. However, we continue to appreciate each other as brothers & sisters in Christ. I don't think making the claim that you spent time getting to know someone and exploring possibility of a relationship is a bad thing.
If, however, you understand the word to imply flippant sex and/or flippant make out sessions, I could understand why you might be alarmed. And to clarify, that isn't/wasn't the case. He and I cared about each other and we still do.
But you bringing up this concern has made me consider why I use the word fling to describe 4 almost relationships. And last night I realized I use the word because I picked it up from one of my first near boyfriends. I was 18 and this guy Ken and I worked at the same summer camp. On a hayride that followed 4th of july fireworks, he reached out to hold my hand and he whispered into my ear, "So is this going to be fling, or is this going to be something more?" Ken and I dated that summer, but we parted ways in August, and never became anything more.
So that was my fling e-mail. Taking time to write it seemed to be a misuse of energy when I have a zillion other things on my plate... things such a conference I'm planning.
This is the most recent e-mail in my Sent Box:
Subject: June 9-10 Renovatio Communitas! Part 2
Mark your calendars!
Saturday, June 9th – Sunday, June 10th we will be convening for our second
Renovatio Communitas! gathering in Owosso, Michigan. Dr. Lance Wallnau,
founding teacher of the Seven Mountain Mandate, as well as Kelly Monroe
Kullberg, founder of the Veritas Forums will be joining us for this two-day
Conference schedule and registration details will be sent
out at the end of the month. Please hold off on conference inquiries and
RSVPs at this time. Instead, save the date and pass word on to others who
might be interested in joining us.
We hope to see you
in June!
Your Steering Team,
Gordon Pennington, Amy Hawkins, and Katrina Blank
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