Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I Tried.

The dog I tried to help save on Christmas day...
E-mail I sent out to our Lake's association:  "Merry Christmas!  I hope this e-mail finds you well.  This afternoon as I was out for a run I came across a near frozen, poodle-like dog on Sand Lake’s north shore.  The dog was shivering (probably facing hypothermia) and unable to walk.  I wrapped the dog in my sweatshirt, ran back home, and returned shortly after with my car to pick it up.
The dog is now warmed up and safe in our basement.  However, we need YOUR HELP in locating the dog’s owner.  The dog has no tags, nor a collar.  But here is a pic (attached), that we hope will help you, help us, identify the owners."
* Sadly, the dog's health is poor; apparently he has been neglected for quite some time. Our neighbor, a vet, stopped by this evening and explained this 12 to 15 yr old cockapoo with rotted teeth, infected ears, and dementia would probably need to be put to sleep tomorrow.

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