Over a week ago I awoke to my brother’s request that I venture across the
lake and take a photo for his radio station.
He mentioned something about a news story, and I mentioned something
about hardly being conscious at such an early hour in the day (it wasn't even noon).
My brother
Mike works for a public radio station out of Detroit and in waking up I was
confused why his station might want a photo for the airwaves.
Mike continued on to say something about
their station’s website and that if I took this photo, I’d receive credit for
my photo journalism efforts.
I told him I
wasn’t feeling all that well at the moment (true story), but perhaps later in
the day I could get a few photos to him.
Across the lake from my parents' place are two towers people use to climb to
gain a better view and perspective of the area. First opened in 1924, for
decades tourists and travelers would stop at the towers en route from Detroit
to Chicago. Long before the 94 freeway was built, horse drawn carriages
and model-Ts would pass through the Irish Hills area on US-12.
But at the end of the millennium, the towers
were deemed unsafe, and this summer, after failed attempts to raise funds to
restore the towers, these twin towers are in the process of being demolished.
Towers in the back behind my former student Zach |
These towers have been my half way point when I go for my longer, 10 K runs
around the lake.
Before I flew out to
New York the tops of the Towers had been removed, and I suspect by the time I
return, they’ll be gone. To be honest, it’s odd to me that something that has been a landmark for years could so quickly disappear from the skyline.
This past week I’ve been staying near where
the twin towers of Manhattan, New York once stood.
I’m reminded that in this world, no structure
or empire stands forever.
I’m convinced the
US will continue to crumble in the century ahead.
On a micro level, student loan debt acquired
by graduates (at a corrupt 6.8% interest rate) WILL forfeit the disposable income the economy needs to keep
businesses up and running.
cities like Detroit are paying $1,000 an hour to lawyers to declare bankruptcy.
(This is even more than what Teresa’s law firm bills an hour in NYC, and double the amount Cher’s dad in the movie Clueless charges.)
In the US, balancing
budgets seems to be more like to be an idealistic idea, rather than a necessary
goal we MUST achieve.
Those in DC are our
nation’s worst example - those in office appear to have few qualms in increasing
the national debt each year.
As long as
they retain their positions in office, and maintain their upper middle class
status, why fret?
I shouldn’t be writing on politics.
But as I learned from one of my Prof’s in grad school, whether we want to
acknowledge it or not, everything is political.
From clean drinking water to electricity to education to health care –
everything comes with political strings attached. And just like everything is political, everything is also spiritual and I
believe there are forces in our universe actively seeking to destroy what is good.
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