Monday, October 22, 2007

Tonight I Would Tell You

Dear Friend of the Past,

Tonight I would tell you that I heard Nick speak last night. I would tell you that his talk changed my perspective, or shall I say my frustration with why God only heals some of the time. I would tell you that I'm glad you had the opportunity to meet him on your way to the airport.

Tonight I would tell you that I picked up the latest Jimmy Eat World CD. I would thank you for introducing me to their music and I would ask, "Are they still your favorite band?"

Tonight I would tell you about Megan's dream job. And I would ask, "Can you help her get it?" because I know you know the right people.

Tonight I would tell you that I remembered today the time we were supposed to meet up the beach, but our plans were thwarted by the rain.

Tonight I would tell you the brilliant song lyric that I came up with. "Words may slip. And so might I. I slip your hand into mine." And I would offer it to you because you're the better song writer.

Tonight I would tell you, I'm glad we're friends again.

Tonight, well, tonight would never happen.

1 comment:

escamillaweddings said...

so im not the only one?

this makes me feel a little less alone in the world.